The Hot Vampire aka Edward Cullen aka Robert Pattinson

Omg this R-Patz-Fever is going higher and higher! (I think he bit me in my dream *roll my eyes*)
Wherever I go on the net, my hands are already typing robert pattinson to find new articles, videos and photos of him! That's crazy i know!
He's tall, handsome and all that but it's not only his appearance that attracts me. What makes him hot and sexy is his personality and sense of humor. You won't believe how charismatic and funny he is during interviews! I can't keep my mouth shut for a min, rofl.
Check out this video here.
There he was asked if he proposed Kristen Steward(Bella) on set and he went
"oh really I can't remember doing it on set but yeah I propose a lot though.." !!
and he said:
I get texts saying "Are we still on for the marriage on Friday?" and I don't even know who it is.. I've got a lot of Veronica-s and Caroline-s .. and I'm not even in country..
and he still replied the msg: "Yeah sure..." and also, when he showed the phone, it turned out to be Victoria, no Veronica or no Caroline.. haha
I know the voice of the interviewer girl sounds like she's chocking or something. hehe. but neways, i dunnoe whether you guys notice but he always look kinda shabby-in-a-good-way and i love it. He doesnt bother to put on I-AM-SUPERSTAR look although he's gaining a huge FAME from "Twilight". Compared to his co-star Kristen, he's pretty humble and he seems like he cant accept the fact that he is THAT BIG now.
And again, she asked him about his proposal for Kristen and
Reporter:"what about her boyfriend"?
Robert:"Psh, who cares?" LMAO
I just love his witty childish reactions there <3>
Then she asked if he had a crush on her, he first gave a gentle smile and started to stumble on his words, even though he was trying to convince (himself and us) that everything's just on set and nth more, so he sorta denied it.
I think he does have a thing for her. My poor robert. *pats*. But dont worry you still have both me and nang on your sideS. lol.
Unique PERSONALITY to the core ;)
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