If I Were A Lesbo...
This is not another song from Beyonce` but what I am saying here is only if I were a lesbian, I'd like someone like her definitely. Sizzling Hot. Even as a straight person, I can appreciate her "handsomeness".

Who is she? She's Katherine Moennig (We've got the same name - kathryn! Just spelled in different way. lol)
Now let's dive into more serious thoughts. :)
She plays as a serial heartbreaker in the American television drama "The L Word" which portrays the Lives of a group of Lesbians and bisexuals who reside in the trendy Los Angeles. By depicting their relationships with their Lovers, friends and family, the drama zooms into their definitions of Lust, Love, and Life and values in them.

You might be tempted to ask me, "Why the hell are you watching a lesbian drama?" or comment, "Ewww.. A lesbian drama? Gross! This isn't right."
Some of my friends' comments have aspired me to blog about this topic, which I hesitated very much to do so.
Well, my answer is I find it very very interesting to find out about the lives of people who are not one's own kind and how they are surviving in the world when majority of the people condemn on their relationships and love lives. Based on your sexual orientation, people start misjudging you and underestimating your potential and they will stereotype you into a category which you might not belong to. The opportunities and rewards you get when you are straight are very much different from those you get when you are gay.
I find this current moral of labeling being a lesbian or gay as a sin unreasonable and prejudiced. Being gay might not justify some laws of nature where only people of different genders fall in love, have sexual relationships, get married and have offsprings. However, in a marriage, reproduction is not a necessity but just a routine that naturally occurs.
Let me give you an example of right-handed and left-handed people. Majority of us are born as right-handed people and there is a minority who are left-handed too. Since we were born, the society that includes our parents and teachers will cultivate us according to the norms, such as we are supposed to hold pencils with our right hands and draw. All of us followed the instructions and became right-handed. But, there are some of us who followed the instructions to a certain extent of time and found out that something inside them was tempting them to rebel and use their left hands instead of right ones. And there is a time they come out as "left-handed" going against how they have been trained. Although they are NOT following the practices, can you say that they are wrong? They are just different from you and I.
The same set of logics applies to the case of homosexuality and bisexuality as well. What if it was the other way round __ a world where only homosexuals and bisexuals exist? In a world like that, heterosexuality would become a taboo. Then, would you continue to be yourself, a heterosexual, which people sniff at or change yourself in order to conform to the social norms? This is a question for you think before saying someone is wrong for not behaving the same way as you. You can say homosexuality is not natural but it is not wrong nor homosexuals deserve the condemnation. It is something they are born with. Their genes crave partner of same gender. It is not something they chose themselves to become.
Haha the funny thing is since I always talk so openly about lesbians that some people come and shoot me with questions like "Don't be offended but are you a les?" or say, "Hmm I'd really prefer you to be straight." LOL.
Unlike some of the people, I just find these topics very interesting and I feel comfortable talking about them. It can be probably because I know some people who are homo and bi, and some of them, smarter than us with great potential, some of them, very liberal and good to talk to with great personality. So, I don't see a reason why they should not be recognized and appreciated as much as straight people.
Every person with a good heart deserves equal blessings, regardless of their sexual orientation.